Caring Ministries
PASTORAL VISITS - Please call the church office if you desire a pastoral visit at home or in the hospital, have a prayer request, or are in need of support.
STEPHEN MINISTRY - Stephen Ministers are trained lay people who provide one-to-one Christian care, encouragement, and prayer to those experiencing a wide range of struggles such as illness, grief, job loss, divorce, or crisis.
Contact - Lynn Cave
PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY - "God's work our hands" Prayer shawls, baby hats, and baptismal blankets are knit and crocheted and distributed where there is a need.
Contact - Lynn Cave, Carol Gealow
QUILT MINISTRY - The quilting ministry creates beautiful quilts that provide care, comfort, and encouragement. Quilts are made for gifting locally and internationally.
Contact - Carol Gealow
WARMING HEARTS WITH WARM SOUP - A ministry to show others Zion Cares! Frozen soup can be picked up at the church and distributed to anyone needing love and nourishment.
Contact - Church Office
HELPING HANDS - Helping Hands can help with various needs within the community such as small handyman services, cleaning yards, help in paying for groceries or gas, and many other situations.
PRAYER CHAIN - Using the power of prayer, Zion members are devoted to intercessory prayer.
Contact - Bob Roberts, Yvonne Erickson, or Betty Johansen for prayer requests.
GOD'S ACRES - To provide all ages of the community an outdoor opportunity to inspire and strengthen the health of their body, mind, and soul in a natural setting. Includes: play areas, labyrinth, prayer garden, walking paths, pickleball court, basketball court, baseball diamond, disk gulf, orchard, and garden, picnic area, Veterans Memorial, and so much more.
Contact - Rob or Kathy Bope
NEW MEMBER OUTREACH - Assist in integrating new members in the life and activities of Zion Amor.
Contact - Marlene Halvorson